Essentially and to put it plainly, I am half Caucasian and half Chinese but it is in actual a lot more than that. A tapestry illuminated by my Mauritian roots. Let’s explore the hues of my ethnicity, upbringing, and how I’ve come to understand the many facets of who I am.
A Blend of Cultures: Born and bred on London’s outskirts, I was immersed in a Mauritian-Chinese milieu. Annual holidays mostly meant a 2 week trip to Mauritius, with a fleeting visit to China in my younger years. My mother’s culinary prowess introduced me to the flavours of Mauritian food, infused with Indian and Chinese elements, reflecting the fusion of my heritage.
Identity in Question: School days unveiled curious gazes, placing me in the ‘Asian’ category. People couldn’t pinpoint where in Asia I hailed from. My cousin once posed the query: “do you feel more white or more Chinese?” Her quick response before I could even open my mouth, “because I feel more white.” It made me ponder my layered identity.
Roots Beyond Geography: Being half and half isn’t confined to parental origins. I realised my London upbringing played a significant role in my identity. It’s a rich blend of where I was raised, the languages spoken at home, and the culture I absorbed from my surroundings.
London’s Diverse Embrace: Growing up mixed had its moments of adversity, but I’m profoundly grateful for being raised in London. Amid bouts of discrimination, I found solace in the city’s diversity. London, a melting pot of cultures, nurtured my sense of belonging.
A Kaleidoscope of Identity: As I navigate my roots, I’ve come to identify with more than just my parents’ heritage. I’m white, Chinese, Mauritian, and above all, a Londoner. It’s a kaleidoscope, ever-evolving and uniquely mine.
Food for Thought: My journey through identity isn’t a neat line. It’s a patchwork, a fusion of cultures and experiences. And while people’s curiosity about my background doesn’t offend, it’s an invitation to understand my narrative.
A Proud Fusion: My identity isn’t confined to labels or singular boxes. It’s a symphony of my past, a celebration of my heritage, and an embrace of the place I call home. I am a harmonious blend of cultures, existing with pride in my complexity.
Conclusion: In sharing my story, I hope to offer a glimpse into the rich tapestry of identity. My mixed heritage is more than skin deep; it’s a tribute to the diverse influences that have shaped me. I am a bridge between cultures, a fusion of traditions, and a living testament to the beauty of embracing and celebrating who I am. and P.S how beautiful is my mother thats her in the photo on the left when she was probably about my age.